No Upfront Costs to You
By outsourcing to APS, there are no upfront costs and no costs to budget! With no software to install, support, or maintain, you conserve city administrative and financial resources for more productive and meaningful activities that better serve the community.
Reduce Your Nuisance Calls & Increase Ordinance Compliance
The efficiency and effectiveness of our data tracking and billing makes isolating and addressing repeat offenders a proven tool for deterring nuisance calls.
Optimize Your City Resources
Let APS do all the work for you so you can reduce the burden on your police department and city administration. APS gives you much needed relief so your staff can be used for other functions and true emergencies.
Increase Your City Revenues
Outsourcing to APS helps your City recover costs associated with false alarms. Your City can save money by eliminating costly city personnel costs you currently use to manage your alarm program. With enough savings, your city may also put another officer on the street by outsourcing to APS.
We understand your needs!
With 99% of all alarms calls resulting in a false alarm, APS understands your headaches and the drain put upon your city when budgets are already stretched to the limit. Your police officers could be responding to true emergencies instead of repeat false alarms. We know the cost of employees, their office space and their salary and benefits to manage an alarm program is expensive and challenging to a City or County. With this understanding we’re fully staffed to handle every aspect of your alarm ordinance.
We Solve The Problem
APS’s 100% hassle-free administration means municipalities of all sizes can get relief from an alarm ordinance program. While no program can eliminate all false alarms, outsourcing to APS can produce alarming results. Now is the time for the solution to your alarm program burden. Whether small, medium or large; whether you have an ordinance or not, you can confidently have your entire alarm program administered and managed by the pros.